Text Converter

Text Converter converts the text in a text area to another text area with several kinds of converters.

Applet View

This application is available as a Applet too.


The usage is easy. Follow the instruction.

Standard Converters

The text converter application have several standard converters as follows.

Copy a text without modification.
Add for each lines. This is useful to import a paragraph into your mail.
IMPORT-"noritan> "
Add noritan>  for each lines. This is useful to import a mail of mine.
Read a text formatted in BASE64 and encode as a SHIFT_JIS text.
Read a text formatted in BASE64 and encode as a ISO2022JP text.


No customization methodology is provided. It is just planned to modify to import user defined converters.


Followings are the links related to the application.

Refer here for the detail of Java Web Start.